Monday, January 16, 2012

Week 30!

Well hello there. Can you believe my little tiny is 30 weeks old! I know, me neither! She's officially made it to another year. 2011 will always be remember by me as the most amazing year of my life thus far. With all the ups and downs, no one, and no thing can take away the fact that my Aria Rose came into our lives this past year. That fact alone makes my life amazing and worthwhile no matter what.

Aria can sit! No help needed for my little peanut. The last 2 weeks she has made a huge leap from wobbly "omg she's tipping over" baby to "let me sit here and play with my toys" baby.

She loves to squeak her Sophie the Giraffe. I know it's usually used as a teether, but since there is not a tooth in sight (plenty of drool though) she seems to prefer just licking and squeaking.

Aria has a achieved 3 new uses for her mouth. She discovered how to lick her lips with her tongue. It's so cute to watch as she full heartedly plasters her tongue al far out as it can go on all sides. She also learned to gurgle in her through. She likes to tip her head back and let her drool collect and aid for some awesome gurgling. Lastly she learned to make "fish noises" with her mouth. She will open and close her lips so that they make that little popping sound. It's so freakin cute!

Aria finally had her doctor check up on Wednesday. I know, bad mommy, I haven't had her in since her 2 month check and she is now 7 months. I have many different reasons and excuses, but of course I know I should have made the appointment sooner. After much researching I decided that the Palo Alto Medical Foundation in Mountain View would be the best facility. It's big and has all the latest and greatest equipment. The doctors all interact with each other in all departments, there is online access to medical records and the pediatricians got good reviews. I was able to get in with the doctor I chose, Dr Jane Auh (sounds like "Oh") even though her practice was closed, I didn't beg or anything, see it doesn't hurt to ask. Aria did great at the appointment. Kevin had the day off work so we went together to the 11am appointment. At first we went to the wrong line and waited for a while then realized that we were in the lap section when we got to the front, oopsie. Hence when we just started filling out the paperwork our name was called so we went in and they said we could finish it later. Kevin thinks the nurse man was gay though I'm not sure why. He seemed rather un-personable, I guess my gaydar needs work. Dr Auh said her normal nurse Yolanda wasn't in that day so hopefully next time will be better. Stinky got weighed all naked sitting on the little weight machine. She was 18 pounds and 12 ounces (85th percentile) and she measured 28.5 inches (95th percentile). So she is going awesome!! The doctor said she is very strong and she won't be surprised it she is crawling by her 9 month appointment. She said it was fine that we missed the 4 month visit they will just delay then to the 9 month one since usually there are no vaccines at 9 months. Poor Stinky did great for her shots. She didn't hardly cry for the first one and wined a little more for the second. But the third one was the "burning" one so she did let out a sad little wail. Overall the doc was nice. She is a Stanford fan so she chatted with Kevin about Oregon as he was obviously wearing his Oregon sweatshirt. Aria hasn't had much bad effects from the shots, just a little grumpy.

We are starting Aria on some baby foods, I am making her sweet potatoes pureed and she gets one feeding a day for the first month. She is still not a big fan but we will keep offering it to her. I'm excited to make her more interesting and tasty foods.

On the Tuesday after New Years day Kevin and I took Aria to the zoo. It was so much fun to get away and spend time together with my little family. I think Aria enjoyed the animals and just riding around and looking at the scenery. She is so aware and curious of everything!

Well, I secretly starting writing this update when I was supposed to be drying my hair. I've got to go make sure Yaya is okay with the little princess her self.

Until next time xo Rosie

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