Well, we made it! Our very first Christmas with our wonderful baby girl Aria has come and past. What a joyful day is was. I feel so incredibly blessed to have her this year. So blessed to have a family so full of love and joy in our hearts. So blessed that togetherness is all we need to truly have a home, no matter where we are currently resting our tired heads at night. It truly doesn't matter as long as we are together.
So this year, of 2011, my beautiful little family celebrated with my larger family and extended family here on Clinton road. We opened gifts in the morning. Santa was very good to us this year. When Kevin came out and saw all the presents, he said,"Weren't we supposed to be having an off year this year?". Well yes, but we all worked together very hard to pull of just as fine a spread as ever. It was very helpful that Santa's especially dutiful elf (Auntie Gabby), had a little extra pocket money to spoil us all with (benefit of slaving at three jobs). And spoil each and everyone of us she did! I got Uggs! So comfy and snuggle heaven for my footseses. Also a beautiful down blanket and duvet cover. Sentimental items came up this year as well. Gabby got my a matching vintage pearl necklace to the one I got her for her birthday this year. It has a an extra ring on it that says "if i didn't have you". A reference to our favorite childhood movie Quest for Camelot" and the two headed dragon that perfectly represented our very special relationship. I love it! Kevin got me an iPhone 4s! How excited/lucky/surprised/overjoyed am it! Yayness to the 10th degree!! I got Kevin a Buck knife Vantage Force Pro (he asked for it to increase his manly status with his Apple gang). I got Gabby a cookbook that I made the cover of. It's going to be a cookbook scrapbook of all our delicious and favorite recipes. I also got her cooking paraphernalia. I got Dad a cup that says "Pops Rocks". We got mom and dad stockings that say "Yaya" and"Pops". Th boys got shirts, Sonic for Billy because it reminded me of being young and playing with him and Johnny Cash for Raph cuz well it's Johnny Cash and Raph likes music. Mom also got a german bird ornament and a vintage pearl necklace that has my childhood poem on it "upside down or right side up, we will love you to the top" and "yaya" in the middle. Gabby finally got the baby doll mom had started making for her years ago. She finished it! So cute :) Billy got all the "cooks" a mini burger maker and "santa" got Billy a mini burger maker. It was pretty funny. Well now that I've rambled about our loot for a good 10 minutes, I will move on :P After the presents, there was a mad scurry to get the house ready for guests. They arrived promptly at 530pm. Aunt Lucy brought a gorgeous white fur coat for Aria (which we immediately tried on her). Mom aka Yaya made a glorious feast for everyone to share in. Sweet potatoes, roast, bacon beans… Everyone else pitched in as well. It was a great night of family and fun.
Today I fed Aria some left over Christmas sweet potatoes. I got her little Gerber spoon and we had a grand time. She loved them! She kept opening her mouth for more! I think my little baby is ready to start some solids. I will of course keep nursing her but it will be fun to make her baby food and feed her. I intend to make all her baby food in the future (mark my words).
Aria can pretty much sit up like a pro now. She can even almost bring herself to a sitting position for laying down. It's amazing how much stronger she's gotten.
She continues to use her "Donald Duck" voice to communicate. It's hilarious to listen to her. She grumbles on about everything and anything.
Oh how could I leave it out. Aria got a Jumperoo for Christmas from Santa. She LOVES it! She jumped and jumped in it on Christmas day until she fell asleep. It was the cutest thing I'd ever seen. I'm so glad to find something can can tire her out enough to nap.
Which brings me to her sleep schedule. She's still an absolutely horrid sleeper. Last night she slept in her crib a total of 2 hours and I held her the rest of the night as she squirmed and grunted. She finally got out a "present" for me in the morning and I think she felt better. Most nights she wakes up at least 3 times.
Aria has mastered her pinched grasp. It's so fun to see her see something she wants to hold and then go for it with her little fingers. She loves to just move her pointer finger back and forth on anything, feeling it.
Aria also now sucks on her 2 middle fingers with her palm facing out. It's so cute!
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