Thursday, May 23, 2013

2 weeks old

Happy Two Week Birthday to Paddy and Jamie! We had their doctors appointment today and they BOTH gain a half pound, which is huge, being that we were struggling to gain weight last week. We don't have to go back for a weigh in for 2 more weeks wooohooo! Patrick weighs 5 pounds and 12.3 ounces and Jameson weighs 4 pounds and 13 ounces. They both have now passed their birth weights!

The babies are so good so far. They mainly just eat, sleep, pee and poop. Compared to Aria as an infant they are angels --knock on wood. Kevin and I are still splitting our nights because the boys drink pumped milk. I go to sleep from 12 to 4 or 5 and then we trade. It's nice getting at least one sleep cycle per night. Although it does leave me tired in the afternoon. Aria and I just laid down after the doctor appointment and slept for 2-3 hours.

Aria is feeling better finally. Of all the times for her to get sick, it of course has to be when our new babies are only a week old. Poor Aria had a fever of 104 and it stayed crazy high for 7 days. Worst sickness she's ever had. I'm so lucky I had my mom and sister to take care of her, because I really don't think I could have watched her and the boys without going insane or getting sick myself.

I missed her so much

My poor sick baby

Patrick in my little buddy bear. I believe he will have blue eyes as they are a deep dark blue right now with a lighter rim in the middle. They just look different than Aria's did, so I don't think they will be brown. We will see. He has very blond hair --of the hair he has :) He has an adorable little old man face that Kevin thinks looks like Elmer Fudd. He is my whiney boy. Whenever he wakes up he starts making a very quiet whining noise. He also snorts, it's so cute. He is the twin more likely to pee on you which Kevin hates and I think it hilarious. He is sweet and gentle and just a little love.

Jameson is my tiny love lump. His spot is in the snug a bunny swing. He's still under 5 pounds and just so little. But he has bigger lungs than his brother. When he crys --not that often-- believe me we hear him. His little face is so cute with his big eyes and lips. We is a lazy eater compared to his brother, I constantly have to rub his feet and legs to get him to not fall asleep when he is eating.  

Jamie's little perfect foot

I can't believe we've made it through 2 weeks! I'm so proud of us and our little family of 5 :)

Until next time, xoxo Rosie

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