Tuesday, December 10, 2013

7 months!

Patch is 19.5 pounds

Length 27.5 inches
Head Circumference 17.5

Jamie is 17.5 pounds
Length 28 inches
Head Circumference 18.25

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Baby Food

Well Patrick had his first jar of baby food and he LOVED it! Emily brought us over her leftover Earths Best squash #1 yesterday. Her little one, Lu, has already moved to regular solids at 10 months old! Well I decided to try it out on my boy Patch. At first he made a, "what on earth is this?!" face, but it quickly transformed into a "more please" little guppy mouth. He downed the whole entire jar! Of course, greatly encouraged by my success, I tried to offer Jamie boy some halfway through the jar. Jamie was not impressed with squash. He kept his, "you are force feeding me poison" face the entire trial of 3 tastes. I will try again with Whiny in a week or 2. Fatty boy had a total of 2 jars yesterday.

Jamie is sleeping horrible, writhing and crying all night. I just don't know what to do with him. I ran out of soy milk so went back to regular which was probably a mistake. Patrick is no joy at night either. He insists on being held overnight at 3am for an hour or 2. I'm ready to curl up in a ball and call it. I am a zombie and I am starting to hate their crying during the day. And I'm getting angry at Aria for being a regular 2 year old. And my mom was supposed to come over and help this week but she kept canceling. Kevin is being difficult and blaming me for everything. I'm feeling in general pretty down. I literally want to hurt something.

Anyways on that joyous note. Lauren had her baby. I'm so happy that everything went well. And I can't wait to meet little Hannah Elizabeth.

Until f'ing next time. Ro

Saturday, November 9, 2013

6 Month Stats Are In!

Patrick Christopher
26 inches long
19 pounds
17.25 inch head circumference

Jameson Paul
26 inches long
17 pounds

18 inch head circumference 

Aria Rose (just for fun)
38 inches long
31 pounds
20 inch head circumference 

Friday, November 8, 2013

6 months! Well tomorrow…but I may not get another chance to update!

Well hello there lovelies! I am sitting here in the lull between Halloween and Thanksgiving…well Daddy Kevin's birthday really. I have been meandering away at Pinterest, being an activity I can do while holding, feeding, bouncing a babe. I am inspired to decorate my little house. I had forgotten how happy crafting and art makes me. I really do need to find time to do a few projects here and there. I think a happy mommy will be a good mommy to my babies and well creating beautiful things makes me happy. Of course 3 of those beautiful things are my Aria, my Patrick and my Jameson :)

I can't believe the boy are SIX months old! A half of a year!! Woohooo, by golly we've done it! This means, I've been breastfeeding exclusively (save 1 bottle a night) for 6 months!!! I am proud. My boys are happy and healthy! They are big and strong. I promise I will get their stats down this time, but shhhh for now they sleep.

Speaking of, I am trying a new sleep routine. Bed still at 8pm-9pm, depending on their moods, though honestly most night we barely make it to 8pm, they would love to go down at 7pm, but I just can't risk them being wide awake at 4am. The boys still seem to only need 8-10 hours of sleep, rarely 12. Fairly consistently they sleep 8pm-1am, this is great, a good 5 hour stretch. After this is where in lies my woes. After 1am, they are up every 2 hours, sometimes less. Of course I, mama, don't go to bed until 12ish, mainly due to the sweet Aria's ability to be the two year old college kid, whose fun part of the "day" starts at 10pm :(. I pump before bed, about 8 oz and split it into 2 4oz bottles. When the boys wake at 1-2am I leave them swaddled and prop up the bottle for them, 50/50 they go back to sleep another 2 hours or they are up and need snuggled/changed and put on their bellies. 4-5am is when they naturally want to wake up. They coo and smile and seem to think it's morning time. It takes me about an hour to get them back down. Here I've been trying a new thing of giving them a formula bottle. Too soon to judge yet, but doesn't seem to be making too much of a difference. I think I might be feeding them too much at night, because they seem to be very gassy and need to poop several times. Aria, while a beastly sleeper, never pooped at night; I never even changed her at night. I'm trying to cut out dairy to see if it's an allergy, but it seems just as bad when they get formula, so I don't know.

The boys are becoming more aware of each other everyday. Most recently If I face them on the ground toward each other during tummy time, they are very smily and love to grab at the others hands and clothes. They love Aria too and she is definitely enjoying the fact that they notice her. Just putting them facing each other can stop a meltdown, it's pretty sweet.

I thinking what I should get them for Christmas, maybe some learning toys or teethers. I ordered them their stockings from PBK and got Aria a new one as well, because I have no idea where hers ended up in the move and I don't want to upset anyone trying to find it, possibly in Grammy's attic. Actually Auntie Dobby got it for her because mama ain't got no monies! Tear.

Patch's hemangioma on his toe is fading. A while back I took photos of it and I'm glad I did, because he might want to see what it looked like when he's older.

I'm trying to reposition both boys all the time so their heads round out… here goes nothing.

Miss Aria can count to 10! And she is saying so many more words and what sounds like sentences! Whenever I leave a room she says, "where you going?" and always the little lady, "thank you" and "welcome" every single time she gets or hands something.

Kevin has been trying to sleep in Aria's room with her to get her used to her big girl bed, seems to be working. Several nights she has slept in there by herself and woke up at 8am. Last night Kevin was out late watching the Oregon and Stanford game. The little butt slept in their by himself and I had all the kids in my room! Oh well, he probably would have woken us up anyways, he's a wiggly sleeper.

I'm doing the Jillian Michaels Yoga Meltdown dvd. I'm feeling stronger already 2 weeks in! I was very excited because I thought I lost 10 pounds, but turns out our scale is faulty it you set in on the carpet. I only lost 7. Oh well, 7 is better than none, but I need to kick butt to feel better about myself.

Well, baby a is awake.

Until next time, xo Rosie

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

5 months!

Well hello there, here's a quick update that I wrote on my iPhone at 3am a week ago. This sums up my life. Hope to update more soon.

Well the boys or five months old. They are 15 and 17 pounds patch still being my roly-poly boy. Their personalities are really starting to shine. Jamie is scrawny and wirey. He only wants to nurse when he's absolutely starving. There will be no comfort nursing or nursing to sleep for him. It's just business. He has learned how to get out of almost all my baby contraptions. You other day I had him in the monkey bouncer on the lawn to get some vitamin D for good health and moods. I went in the house for just a minute. And I came back the monkey bouncer was sitting there sans baby and Jamie was laying on his belly on the lawn looking happy as a clam. This boy needs shoulder straps on whatever he's in. Is too smart for his own good. Jamie's brown hair is coming in more it looks really cute. His eyes are also getting darker and the brown is spreading out. I wouldn't be surprised if he is crawling very soon.
Patrick is my smiley little love. He's just perfectly content as long as I'm holding him wherever I go. He's quick to give anyone and everyone a huge smile and a sweet little chuckle. His baby blue eyes now have some in amber in the very middle. The blue part is still fairly dark blue so I don't know if the eyes will end up hazel overall or if they'll be a blue and amber mixture. Is hair is still straight up white blonde. He's such a squishy baby weighing in at 17 pounds. He's harder to hold at first but once you do hold him, he doesn't wiggle as much as Jamie so it evens out.

Both babies are still waking up during the night. They do well going to sleep between eight and nine. And usually don't wake up until two. But after two they both are up about every hour until I give up at eight and put them in front of cartoons. 


I don't even have time to re-read or edit, hopefully I'll get back to it.

Today we are having a little party at my house to carve pumpkins. I can't believe it but I am THAT mom. I didn't get the boys Halloween costumes yet. I'm going to have to brave the masses at Spirit tomorrow, the day before Halloween, to find them something to wear. Oh dear. At least I got Aria a bee costume 2 weeks ago. It was my backup in case I didn't get a chance to go out again. And guess what I didn't.

Well now here it goes, I'm being interrupted. 

But first, look at the cuteness (ps may or may not have been used).

Aria picked her pumpkin!
My twinsies looking adorable!

Until next time, xo Rosie

PS- Jamie's head is 18"

Friday, August 30, 2013

Grandma Carol is in Town

Kevin's mom is here visiting for a week. Aria loves her and it's so cute to see them play together. She has always connected really well with Aria. Jamie also seems taken with her, he fell asleep on her shoulder twice!

Yesterday we went over to Aunt Amy's for Tom's birthday. The boys got to meet Aunt Deirdre and Cousin Clare for the first time. They also wore jean for the first time and looked adorable!

Patch Rolls Over!!!

Not to be outdone by his little brother, my big boy Patrick has up and surprised us all. This actually happened 2 days ago to be fair, he was just 2 days behind. Let the competition begin!! lol

Go Patch go! Mama loves you!

I think he's ahead in who's going to laugh first. He actually makes noises that are "this" close to a chuckle…might even count!

Until next time xo,

Monday, August 26, 2013

Jamie Rolls Over!!

My little wiggle worm has done it! He rolled over, both ways! He's a total pro now!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Twins are 3 months old (plus some)

Well hello again. My big boys are so grown up. I can't believe we are nearing the end of the summer already! Everyday they grow and change. I feel so blessed to witness this in my life. Two perfect little boys that I get to watch become little people. How lucky am I?

Right now Patrick is sitting in Aria's highchair. He loved to sit in it and look around. I usually set hom in the highchair and Jamie in the Bumbo (on the table shhhh). Jamie can already hold his head up so he likes the Bumbo, Patch's head is heavier maybe haha, my big boy.

Patch makes the cutest cooing sounds. He opens his mouth huge and just kind of makes a croaking noise in the back of his throat. He is so quick to give a smile. He loves it when you look into his eyes. He would stare all day into yours if you had the time. He likes to take catnaps all day long. He doesn't go to bed until at least 12am every night and sleeps in in the morning, sometimes til 12pm! Of course with a snack break at 4am and 8am. Last night both Patch and Jamie slept til 5am which was great!

Jamie is my little wiggle worm, (or wiggle wart as Yaya says). He is so strong and always kicking of anything he can touch with his legs. I would be surprised if he rolls over very soon. He is also super smily. It's the cutest thing ever when Jamie look up at me while nursing and catches my eye. He lets go and gives me a huge toothless grin, like he knows he's in the happiest place in the word. Jamie is the complete opposite of Patch in his sleeping schedule. He like to take two long, like 3 hour naps in the day and he goes to sleep easily at 930pm. He is an early riser, bright eyed and ready for the day at 7am. I wonder if they will keep these traits as they get older. Last night Jamie slept 930pm-5am, 7.5 hours, I'll take it.

Both boys are in size 2 diapers now and officially in 6 month clothes, though I squeeze them into particularly cute 3 month ones. It causes my fatty boy to took a bit stuffed in hehe.

Both boys are still completely bald. Alas my babies were not meant to have hair. I figure by 6 months they should have something going on. We'll see.

I'm excited getting ready for cousin-nurse-auntie-brig to arrive on Sep 11. She is here for a whole 2 weeks! So stoked to see her and for her to see the babies.

Yesterday Auntie Dobby took Aria and the babies for a walk to the mall. I've been meaning to go for forever, as we only live like 1/2 mile away but it just hadn't happened. Gabby pushed Patch and Jamie boy in the valco double and I pushed my big girl in her red britax srtoller. It was hilarious watching Gabby deal with all the people looking at her and the babies with just tender love in their eyes. People just love babies and TWO babies, oh my. One lady was actually turning around for so long while walking making eyes at the boys that she stopped just short of slamming into a pole. She had to duck away in embarrassment, but with a grin.

Patch still has beautiful blue eyes. I think they are going to stick. It's funny how from the beginning I knew he was going to have blue eyes. Jamie's eyes are getting darker. They are so big and pretty. My handsome boy.

I feel like the worst is truly over in terms of their colicy-ness. They are still grumpy in the evening, especially Patch but they are SO much happier during the day. I love this phase of babyhood. It's just so adorable. I am grateful that I get to enjoy my happy boys now.

Let's hope I can keep this up!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

2 months old!

Happy 2 Month Birthday Patch and Jamie! Boy has time flown by! My sweet little babies are getting so big. They change every day. I remember this happening with Aria but I had forgotten how the newborn phase is gone in the blink of an eye. 

Sweet little Patrick is my chubbster baby. He weighs in at a whopping 13 pounds right now! He really does do fat well though. He's the cutest little rolly thing you've ever seen. He still snorts when he's hungry. His cry is still softer than his brother's.  But it does it go from 0 to 100 very quickly if he doesn't get attention. Still looks like he's my blue-eyed boy. In the last two weeks he's become very aware. He loves to look you in the eyes with this loving stare. He stares at the mobile spinning around on the swing. She absolutely loves to be held and cuddled. He'll sleep for hours laying face down on my chest. At night he still wakes every three hours because he's a little hungry boy. 

Little Jamie boy is my scrawny strong little man. He actually rolled over from his belly to his back already! He still has more belly issues the Patch and often looks quite pained. When he is not uncomfortable and right writhing, he has the cutest little face. With big eyes, an adorable upturned nose and a little pointy chin, I think he'll be a heartbreaker someday. He seems to be about two weeks behind Patrick developmentally. He still going through his baby acne phase. Just in the last few days he started to be more aware. Yesterday, while having his butt changed, he lovingly looked at my mom and gave her a big smile. During a bath a couple weeks ago I had been rubbing the dead skin off top of his head (you know how babies peel) and after while I was drying his hair I realized I had rubbed off his baby hair as well as the dead skin. Mom fail-- I made my baby look like a little old man with the toilet bowl hairstyle. He is finally starting to grow some fuzz in again on the top of his head. Jamie tips the scale at 10.5 pounds. Shocking that just 6 weeks ago we were fighting to stay at 4 pounds. My boys have truly amazed me. They are thriving beyond belief.

Aria loves her brothers. She loves to hold them. She pokes at them. When they cry she tries to comfort them. She finds their pacis and puts them in their mouths. She also has lately started rubbing their belly cottons when they are upset. It's so cute that she is sharing her special comfort action with them. 

The boys are mainly getting breast-milk while supplementing with formula at night. I recently got a new kind of formula that's for sensitive gassy babies. It seems to digest better for sure. I have also cut out milk and dairy from my diet (I'm only on day two) but I'm hoping that helps them with their tummy problems. 

Just yesterday I finally ordered the twins birth announcement. I figured 2 months old was better than no doing it at all, an idea I had toyed with. Hopefully the picture will print out nicely as that is really the designs main feature. Here's a sneak peek at the boys announcement. 

My cuties have grown SO much since then! It's just crazy.

Here's the photo for the back. It's of all three of my kids (love saying that) on the 4th of July.

My mom has been coming over to help me a few times a week. It's been really wonderful. TOday she came and scooped up my big girl Aria and took her to the mall. Hopefully she is having a good time. 

Until next time, xoxo Rosie

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Weeks 3 and 4

Well hello there, today marks the 4th Thursday the boys have spent in this world. I cannot believe that they are already a month old! It feels like it's been one extremely long, tiring day that never ends. And I day that in the most loving way possible, hehe.

The last week has been spent over at my parents house on Clinton Road. We have officially had to say goodbye to the last house of my childhood. I can't believe it finally happened. The last day was supposed to be on Sunday, but you know my family is never going to go quietly or without a bang. Raph ended up having a seizure while getting ready for church and they had to call 911 and get an ambulance ride to the hospital. Luckily he is okay and was just over worked and exhausted causing his blood pressure to go up way too high.

Every day we've been arriving at about 2pm, the earliest we could manage to get out. There has been nothing in the house comfortable for watching two infants and a toddler so it's been rough; pumping milk, changing diapers, convincing Aria to nap...all on the ground, yeah, it's been trying. But I am definitely glad that I was there. The last month everyone has gotten to go through all there things and pack and weed out, all while I was super pregnant and then dealing with newborns. I was feeling like I was missing out on the final goodbyes. It almost killed us, but Kevin and I and our 3 beautiful babies spend the last days together with my family. We ended it all on Tuesday by digging up our old family dog Theo and bringing him home to Grammy's house. Before driving away for the last time, I stood in my old room with Gabby and thought about all the living that had been done there. I really changed from a scared teenaged to a confidant married mother of three and that room saw it all. I had thought my last night was going to be the night before my wedding, where we had a slumber party with Brigid and Caky. But low and behold a year and a half later I was back with hubby and baby in tow. The last year spend with my family has been very unique, and not in the plan, but I wouldn't change it for the world.

Boys had there 4 week appointment today and both gained 2 pounds! They are normal baby sized now! Patch is 7lbs and 10oz (50% for adjusted age 4% for actual) and Jamie is 6lbs and 7oz (15% for adjusted age and not on the charts for actual).  I'm so proud that they are growing big and strong. We don't go back til their 2 month check in which they are supposed to get shots, which makes me nervous. I need to so some research on it to see what I want to do.

Patch is my happy little piggy. He loves to sleep and eat. He wakes up on cue every 3 hours day or night for his meal. He is becoming more aware of his surrounding. He loves to look around and I swear he is starting to smile. His eyes are still looking blue right now, and his hair is bleach blond. He's going to be a cutie.

Jamie is my little love. He has the most adorable face with his little nose, big eyes and protruding top lip. He definitely has more of an "Aria" temperament (thought no one could be as bad as her). He's more gassy than his brother and has more fits of crying. I'm going to get him some gripe water and see if it helps, that was the only thing that ever calmed Aria down.

Aria has been absolutely wonderful with her brothers. She truly does love them. She wants to be around them and touch them and hold them. Tonight we were doing our first tummy time and Aria laid right on the ground with them so cute the entire time. I can't believe she will be 2 on Sunday. Time flies when your making babies!

Carol is in town for Aria's birthday and watched her while we went to the doctor's appointment. I think it was a good bonding experience for her to spend time with Aria. Since she moved to Oregon she hasn't seen her and that was 3 months ago.

Well, I've got a crying baby, my little Jameson, who needs his mommy.

Until next time, xoxo Rosie

Thursday, May 23, 2013

2 weeks old

Happy Two Week Birthday to Paddy and Jamie! We had their doctors appointment today and they BOTH gain a half pound, which is huge, being that we were struggling to gain weight last week. We don't have to go back for a weigh in for 2 more weeks wooohooo! Patrick weighs 5 pounds and 12.3 ounces and Jameson weighs 4 pounds and 13 ounces. They both have now passed their birth weights!

The babies are so good so far. They mainly just eat, sleep, pee and poop. Compared to Aria as an infant they are angels --knock on wood. Kevin and I are still splitting our nights because the boys drink pumped milk. I go to sleep from 12 to 4 or 5 and then we trade. It's nice getting at least one sleep cycle per night. Although it does leave me tired in the afternoon. Aria and I just laid down after the doctor appointment and slept for 2-3 hours.

Aria is feeling better finally. Of all the times for her to get sick, it of course has to be when our new babies are only a week old. Poor Aria had a fever of 104 and it stayed crazy high for 7 days. Worst sickness she's ever had. I'm so lucky I had my mom and sister to take care of her, because I really don't think I could have watched her and the boys without going insane or getting sick myself.

I missed her so much

My poor sick baby

Patrick in my little buddy bear. I believe he will have blue eyes as they are a deep dark blue right now with a lighter rim in the middle. They just look different than Aria's did, so I don't think they will be brown. We will see. He has very blond hair --of the hair he has :) He has an adorable little old man face that Kevin thinks looks like Elmer Fudd. He is my whiney boy. Whenever he wakes up he starts making a very quiet whining noise. He also snorts, it's so cute. He is the twin more likely to pee on you which Kevin hates and I think it hilarious. He is sweet and gentle and just a little love.

Jameson is my tiny love lump. His spot is in the snug a bunny swing. He's still under 5 pounds and just so little. But he has bigger lungs than his brother. When he crys --not that often-- believe me we hear him. His little face is so cute with his big eyes and lips. We is a lazy eater compared to his brother, I constantly have to rub his feet and legs to get him to not fall asleep when he is eating.  

Jamie's little perfect foot

I can't believe we've made it through 2 weeks! I'm so proud of us and our little family of 5 :)

Until next time, xoxo Rosie

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Our Family has Grown x2!

Well, hello there, I know it has been a long time. And let me tell you this past year had been busy busy.

The most important thing you need to know is that we have just welcomed our two beautiful boys into the world. Yep Aria is a big sister! I found out I was pregnant in September and it's been craziness since then. In October the doctor surprised us with the news that it was twins! Shock of my life, let me tell you. I've always thought it would be cool to have twins, always. But never, in a million years would I have thought it would actually happen. I still can't believe how incredibly lucky we are to be blessed with TWO new babies!

There were many ups and downs during this pregnancy. It started off with a bang with terrible, horrible morning sickness at barely 5 weeks. And it lasted through week 17. Ugh, I forgot how much I loathe the first trimester. Finally in the end of December I started to feel better. But alas being a twin pregnancy, all the later aches and pains of growing a child hit me earlier this time around. I started to feel like my pelvis was splitting apart come March. 

Also in March at our 28 week growth scan (we had scans every 4 weeks to ensure that the twins were growing properly), we were told that our "Baby A" had an enlarged left lateral ventricle of his brain. This condition is called vetriculomegaly. Normal ventricles are about 4-6mm and his was measuring at 10mm which was just the cutoff or high end of normal. Of course I had brought my mom to this appointment with me to have fun and see the babies and they spring this news on us. To make a long story short, we did a fetal MRI the next week and they found no other "abnormalities" so the condition was considered isolated and therefore less likely that he would have any serious problems (with a 97% probability that he'd be fine). We found this out the Friday before St. Patrick's Day and I had been saying extra prayers to St. Patrick so felt like he was watching out for my Baby A, who is now known as little Patrick Christopher. That 3% chance of a problem left me nervous the rest of my pregnancy but I just had to trust that things would work out as they should. When the babies were born I was absolutely thrilled that they were both healthy as can be. We will just continue to monitor his head size and whatnot through his pediatrician.

My beautiful precious little boys are now 12 days old and working hard to gain weight. We have been having weight checks everyday until they finally gained weight on Thursday and now don't have to go back until this coming Thursday. The doctors have us feeding they breast milk in bottles for now so they don't burn calories trying to nurse. I miss being able to nurse them but it is nice that Kevin can help with their feedings every 2-3 hours. We have been splitting our nights, where I go to bed around 11pm and then we trade between 4-6am. This has been allowing me and Kevin to get more sleep which is amazing with two newborns.

Quick version birth story: Thursday (May 9th) I went into my appointment after the 24 hour urine collection and had massively high BP and tons of proteins in my urine so doctor said we needed to induce that day. They induced but luckily I had walked in already at 5cm (had been feeling tons of Braxton Hicks that were apparently dialating me!). The induction started at 3ish by breaking my water and it was less than 2 hours before the babies were born and in my arms. With twin births you have to place an epi and give birth in the OR as a precaution. The anesthesiologist was just there to place the epi before the nurse realized it was already time to push (no time to pump it with meds). The boys were born 10 minutes apart and I had no tearing! Unfortunately after their birth I had to be put on magnesium for 24 hours b/c of my BP and had horrible side effects which tainted my otherwise amazingly easy delivery! I'm feeling so in love with my babies ♥ 

Of course once the boys started to gain weight my poor big baby Aria came down with a horrible virus. She had a fever of 104 and has been so so sick. I had to send her to my parents house to try and minimize exposure to the boys. I felt so sad when my mom came to get her, like I was abandoning my child in her time of need. But I know she got the best possible care with my mom and Auntie Dobby. She finally came home yesterday and I never knew I could miss a little person so very much. She is still running a low fever but it much much better.

Well, there are a million and 1 more things that I should update on and I will attempt to keep a weekly update just as I did for Aria's first year. Wish me luck and I WILL be back soon!

xoxo Until Next Time, Rosie