Friday, October 28, 2011

Week 19-20

Well well, I've actually missed 2 Thursdays in a row, oh dear. Let me tell you what's been going on in the House household these past two weeks.

Last Fiday October 21st we officially said goodbye to our first home at Evelyn Gardens Apartments. It was craziness getting everything together but we did it. We are now snug as 3 bugs in a rug out in the "Pool House" at my parents' place. It's working well so far. Kevin and I come in for coffee in the morning and it's nice to have my family so close. I even plop "Stinky" on Gabby to wake her up at the crack of 10am.

These past two weeks Aria has really found her voice. She literally is letting out this high pitched squeal all the time. Before she would coo and blow bubbles, now it's violent spitting and shreiking. She's going to be a lovely little girl :P

Aria has also started to grab her feet, it's so cute, she lifts them up to her mouth and like everything else  she can get her hands on, she takes a nice long taste of her toesies.

Oh yes, she has digressed in one area, rolling over. When I put her on her tummy she looks as me like I'm crazy to think she might have this knowledge of rolling over. She doesn't even teeter to the side. I fear that since we have moved, she has been held so much that she doesn't see the need to practice such an arduous task as rolling over on her own. After all if she just lets out a pleasant little scream, someone will come a runnin.

Yesterday we went to the pumpkin patch for the firs time ever in Stinky's life. She was all dressed up in her adorable little Halloween outfit and with her "My First Halloween" bib. We got lots of cute pictures. I had a tiny mommy fail occur in my valiant attempts at capturing the perfect pumpkin photo. I set my little princess on the hay, propped up with lots of pumpkins around her. I was trying to get her to look at the camera, when, tiiimmmbeeerrr, she went over like a little tree. It's amazing how strong she is, yet she has no ability to balance her core upright. She hit her little head a little bit on the side of a pumpkin :( She was very sad and horrified that her mommy would do this to her, but after a moment of distraction she was A OK.Unfortunately she pretty much refused to smile for her photo-shoot so I think we will redo some photos. At least her little lamby Halloween costume arrived today so she will look mighty cute in our take 2 session.

Tonight we are going to Grammy's birthday/Halloween/tripoly party at 6pm. I'm trying to decide what I should dress Aria in, hmm. Maybe her adorable pink skeleton outfit?

Until next time. xo Rosie

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