Friday, October 28, 2011

Week 19-20

Well well, I've actually missed 2 Thursdays in a row, oh dear. Let me tell you what's been going on in the House household these past two weeks.

Last Fiday October 21st we officially said goodbye to our first home at Evelyn Gardens Apartments. It was craziness getting everything together but we did it. We are now snug as 3 bugs in a rug out in the "Pool House" at my parents' place. It's working well so far. Kevin and I come in for coffee in the morning and it's nice to have my family so close. I even plop "Stinky" on Gabby to wake her up at the crack of 10am.

These past two weeks Aria has really found her voice. She literally is letting out this high pitched squeal all the time. Before she would coo and blow bubbles, now it's violent spitting and shreiking. She's going to be a lovely little girl :P

Aria has also started to grab her feet, it's so cute, she lifts them up to her mouth and like everything else  she can get her hands on, she takes a nice long taste of her toesies.

Oh yes, she has digressed in one area, rolling over. When I put her on her tummy she looks as me like I'm crazy to think she might have this knowledge of rolling over. She doesn't even teeter to the side. I fear that since we have moved, she has been held so much that she doesn't see the need to practice such an arduous task as rolling over on her own. After all if she just lets out a pleasant little scream, someone will come a runnin.

Yesterday we went to the pumpkin patch for the firs time ever in Stinky's life. She was all dressed up in her adorable little Halloween outfit and with her "My First Halloween" bib. We got lots of cute pictures. I had a tiny mommy fail occur in my valiant attempts at capturing the perfect pumpkin photo. I set my little princess on the hay, propped up with lots of pumpkins around her. I was trying to get her to look at the camera, when, tiiimmmbeeerrr, she went over like a little tree. It's amazing how strong she is, yet she has no ability to balance her core upright. She hit her little head a little bit on the side of a pumpkin :( She was very sad and horrified that her mommy would do this to her, but after a moment of distraction she was A OK.Unfortunately she pretty much refused to smile for her photo-shoot so I think we will redo some photos. At least her little lamby Halloween costume arrived today so she will look mighty cute in our take 2 session.

Tonight we are going to Grammy's birthday/Halloween/tripoly party at 6pm. I'm trying to decide what I should dress Aria in, hmm. Maybe her adorable pink skeleton outfit?

Until next time. xo Rosie

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sunday 10/16

Hello there. Just thought I'd stop in because I never got around to updating again on Thursday.

I figured out what those spitting bubble noises that Aria makes are referred to as. Blowing raspberries.

Aria can now stand as well! Well not really by herself, but she does love i if you make her stand. She puts her weight on her legs. She is very strong.

Right now she is sleeping in her car seat and Kevin and I are about to go for a walk. One of our last walks here in SV. I'm going to miss this place.

Pops came over yesterday afternoon and helped me get my storage locker ready. Kevin and I had already gone and set up the paperwork, but we still needed to add a lock so my dad brought the lock from their old storage place and saved me $30. So we officially have a 10 x 10 to neatly pack our life into. Amazing that that's all it takes.

Tomorrow I am going to finish packing up all the big items that are not used everyday.

Wow this is a boring entry, I'm not feeling the creative juju flowin. Take 2 another time.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Week 18

Aria has figures out how to grab! She loves to lay on her play-mat gym that Yaya got for her and grab and the crinkly creepy king toy Uncle Steven gave to her. She has been very vocal the last week. She is constantly making noises, whether screaming or just listening to her own voice.

Kevin and I are officially moving out of our apartment now. We have 1 week left! So scary. We are going to U-haul today to get moving boxes. The little apartment at my parents is almost ready for us.

Stinky finally grew out of her bassinet this week. We have temporarily put her in the pac n play.

Will update more later…need to start getting prepared.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Week 17

Hello again. This week has been an exciting one for Aria. She finally got the courage to make the leap. Yes, yesterday the 5th of October she rolled over! She has gotten so very strong in the last few weeks. I used to just set her in her swing and bouncer because she was a little immobile baby. Now I must use all the required straps to keep her in these devices. If I don't I find that she has used her back legs, lol, she's not a dog, let me rephrase, she has used her legs to lift her body up and scootch her butt down. It was so bad in her swing that her head was about where her bootie was supposed to be. This week Aria has continued to make her bubble blowing noise. She tends to do it when she is bored or just not that amusing by my mommy entertainment. It's really quite adorable.

Yesterday Auntie Gabby came over to make cookies with us. Carrey from Beau-coup was visiting in the evening and I was feeling quite homemakeresque and wished to have delightful homemade cookies to offer when she arrived. We made butterscotch cream cheese cookies. They were quite delish and I had no less than 9 (cries inside for a minute). I was sitting on the couch at one point waiting for the cookies to bake and I lifted Aria up over my head in the "superman" pose. She took this opportunity to drop a glob of her ever abundant drool directly into my open eye. Needless to say, I was just happy it was only drool and not barf, hehe.

When the big moment happened mommy was unfortunately in the kitchen, specifically scrubbing a rust spot of my henkels knife. Auntie Gabby was doing some tummy time with Aria. When lo and behold she yanked her little self over onto her back. Try as I may she wouldn't do it again. I'll give it another go today though.

Another cute thing she does now is to laugh hysterically when daddy rubs his head/blows on her belly. She thinks this is the best thing that ever happened and lets out the longest happy giggles.

Unfortunately Stinky is crying now, so I must go, hopefully to continue later…..

Well I'm back. I was planning on going on a morbid tangent about the passing of the great man known as Steve Jobs yesterday. I do not have the time now I realize as I sit here at almost 3pm with wet hair, in my pajamas with a baby wining in her swing. So I will just say, he was a great man, a great thinker, leader and someone who everyone can strive to be like. He gives us hope for our dreams, as long as you are crazy enough to peruse them. Stay hungry, stay foolish. Rest in peace.

Ta ta for now.