Aria is 6 week birthday fell on Gabby's actual 24th birthday, July 21st. Let me briefly list some of Aria's accomplishments, lest I forget.
1. Saw her first movie -Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2. My whole family went to the movie together to celebrate Dad's birthday (Pops). Aria only cried out once during the movie. She did however continuously emit poo grunts throughout. I changed her in the bathroom during the movie and she had done quite and impressive job of exploding in her diaper. Unfortunately there was no changing area there so I had to use the lovely counter top at AMC Cupertino Square, I'm sure to the horror of some of the patrons. One woman decided to strike up a conversation and was very interested in looking at sweet Aria, even if she was full of poopies. After the diaper change I spent the rest of the movie lurking in the side wing, so as not to disturb the epicness of the HP experience for the rest of the movie-goers. All in all, she did amazing and I feel that I must see HP again, because someone I missed a lot. Maybe I was distracted by my princess?
2. Aria is starting to sleep more than 2 hours at a time! Not consistently and not 2 nights in a row, but she is doing it. Last night after Gabby's birthday extravaganza she fell asleep at my parents' house at 11:30pm (yes, we were out a partyin' late). We drove home, still sleeping. Made it up to the apartment, still sleeping. And snuggled into her bassinet, still sleeping. And thank you Sweet Baby Jesus, 3am STILL SLEEPING! After her 4am feed, she went back to sleep until 7 and then again til 10. This is quite impressive and I know I'm going to feel much more rested if it keeps up.
3. Aria is starting to look around and be very interested in her surroundings. She loves to be held facing out in her Moby baby carrier. She has become a bit better at holding her head up, though sometimes when she is facing me in the carrier, her little head comes crashing forward as her neck muscles give out and she bangs her poor forehead against my collar bone. I feel like this desire to look around is going to be followed in suit by smiling, or maybe at least acknowledging when someone is looking at and talking to her.
4. She has started to almost enjoy her swing. Her first month of life I attempted on several occasions to introduce the swing. Each time I laid her in it, 3 minutes later, the sad sad wailing would start. Last week I turned the bucket seat on my nifty fisher price swing to rock side to side, like a hammock, versus front to back and wala! She will quietly rock for nearly an hour at a time now. Hallelujah!
5. Still painful gas going on :( We try to manage it with Mommy's Bliss gripe water, gas drops and tummy massages, but it's still a challenge.
6. Aria is getting very chunky. She's sporting rolls just about everywhere. She wears them well :)
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