Friday, August 14, 2015

Gemma Aurora

Newest addition to the House family-

Gemma Aurora
August 4, 2015
6 pounds 9 ounces
19.5 inches

1 Week

Gemma has yellow poops.
Loves nursing
Slept for 4 hours during the night
Only nursed 3 times from 10-7
Loves to wear hats, they make her sleep
Loves her swing and swaddle blanket
The brothers and Aria love her and kiss her all the time. They also fight over her new swaddle blankets.
She still has her ankle bracelet on.
She's been offered many foods and tots by her doting siblings, including chicken nuggets, lollipops, Advil "jellybean", and milk babas.
She's only eaten mama's milk.
At her 4 day weight check she gained 4 ounces from her release weight and is 6.2 now, probably more more at 7 days old.
She hardly cries, knock on wood.
Seems very mellow
Boise doesn't bother her at all

Day 9 
Belly button stump came off!
Thinking about her first bath