Thursday, November 21, 2013

Baby Food

Well Patrick had his first jar of baby food and he LOVED it! Emily brought us over her leftover Earths Best squash #1 yesterday. Her little one, Lu, has already moved to regular solids at 10 months old! Well I decided to try it out on my boy Patch. At first he made a, "what on earth is this?!" face, but it quickly transformed into a "more please" little guppy mouth. He downed the whole entire jar! Of course, greatly encouraged by my success, I tried to offer Jamie boy some halfway through the jar. Jamie was not impressed with squash. He kept his, "you are force feeding me poison" face the entire trial of 3 tastes. I will try again with Whiny in a week or 2. Fatty boy had a total of 2 jars yesterday.

Jamie is sleeping horrible, writhing and crying all night. I just don't know what to do with him. I ran out of soy milk so went back to regular which was probably a mistake. Patrick is no joy at night either. He insists on being held overnight at 3am for an hour or 2. I'm ready to curl up in a ball and call it. I am a zombie and I am starting to hate their crying during the day. And I'm getting angry at Aria for being a regular 2 year old. And my mom was supposed to come over and help this week but she kept canceling. Kevin is being difficult and blaming me for everything. I'm feeling in general pretty down. I literally want to hurt something.

Anyways on that joyous note. Lauren had her baby. I'm so happy that everything went well. And I can't wait to meet little Hannah Elizabeth.

Until f'ing next time. Ro

Saturday, November 9, 2013

6 Month Stats Are In!

Patrick Christopher
26 inches long
19 pounds
17.25 inch head circumference

Jameson Paul
26 inches long
17 pounds

18 inch head circumference 

Aria Rose (just for fun)
38 inches long
31 pounds
20 inch head circumference 

Friday, November 8, 2013

6 months! Well tomorrow…but I may not get another chance to update!

Well hello there lovelies! I am sitting here in the lull between Halloween and Thanksgiving…well Daddy Kevin's birthday really. I have been meandering away at Pinterest, being an activity I can do while holding, feeding, bouncing a babe. I am inspired to decorate my little house. I had forgotten how happy crafting and art makes me. I really do need to find time to do a few projects here and there. I think a happy mommy will be a good mommy to my babies and well creating beautiful things makes me happy. Of course 3 of those beautiful things are my Aria, my Patrick and my Jameson :)

I can't believe the boy are SIX months old! A half of a year!! Woohooo, by golly we've done it! This means, I've been breastfeeding exclusively (save 1 bottle a night) for 6 months!!! I am proud. My boys are happy and healthy! They are big and strong. I promise I will get their stats down this time, but shhhh for now they sleep.

Speaking of, I am trying a new sleep routine. Bed still at 8pm-9pm, depending on their moods, though honestly most night we barely make it to 8pm, they would love to go down at 7pm, but I just can't risk them being wide awake at 4am. The boys still seem to only need 8-10 hours of sleep, rarely 12. Fairly consistently they sleep 8pm-1am, this is great, a good 5 hour stretch. After this is where in lies my woes. After 1am, they are up every 2 hours, sometimes less. Of course I, mama, don't go to bed until 12ish, mainly due to the sweet Aria's ability to be the two year old college kid, whose fun part of the "day" starts at 10pm :(. I pump before bed, about 8 oz and split it into 2 4oz bottles. When the boys wake at 1-2am I leave them swaddled and prop up the bottle for them, 50/50 they go back to sleep another 2 hours or they are up and need snuggled/changed and put on their bellies. 4-5am is when they naturally want to wake up. They coo and smile and seem to think it's morning time. It takes me about an hour to get them back down. Here I've been trying a new thing of giving them a formula bottle. Too soon to judge yet, but doesn't seem to be making too much of a difference. I think I might be feeding them too much at night, because they seem to be very gassy and need to poop several times. Aria, while a beastly sleeper, never pooped at night; I never even changed her at night. I'm trying to cut out dairy to see if it's an allergy, but it seems just as bad when they get formula, so I don't know.

The boys are becoming more aware of each other everyday. Most recently If I face them on the ground toward each other during tummy time, they are very smily and love to grab at the others hands and clothes. They love Aria too and she is definitely enjoying the fact that they notice her. Just putting them facing each other can stop a meltdown, it's pretty sweet.

I thinking what I should get them for Christmas, maybe some learning toys or teethers. I ordered them their stockings from PBK and got Aria a new one as well, because I have no idea where hers ended up in the move and I don't want to upset anyone trying to find it, possibly in Grammy's attic. Actually Auntie Dobby got it for her because mama ain't got no monies! Tear.

Patch's hemangioma on his toe is fading. A while back I took photos of it and I'm glad I did, because he might want to see what it looked like when he's older.

I'm trying to reposition both boys all the time so their heads round out… here goes nothing.

Miss Aria can count to 10! And she is saying so many more words and what sounds like sentences! Whenever I leave a room she says, "where you going?" and always the little lady, "thank you" and "welcome" every single time she gets or hands something.

Kevin has been trying to sleep in Aria's room with her to get her used to her big girl bed, seems to be working. Several nights she has slept in there by herself and woke up at 8am. Last night Kevin was out late watching the Oregon and Stanford game. The little butt slept in their by himself and I had all the kids in my room! Oh well, he probably would have woken us up anyways, he's a wiggly sleeper.

I'm doing the Jillian Michaels Yoga Meltdown dvd. I'm feeling stronger already 2 weeks in! I was very excited because I thought I lost 10 pounds, but turns out our scale is faulty it you set in on the carpet. I only lost 7. Oh well, 7 is better than none, but I need to kick butt to feel better about myself.

Well, baby a is awake.

Until next time, xo Rosie