Save the Date 8.7.10
Our Save the Dates are definitely not your average, cute little magnet you can stick on the fridge type. They were born from a nagging idea that has been occupying the far corner of my consciousness for quite some time. Now usually when this happens, when these little sparks of genius appear, they slowly fade until, one day, I vaguely recall some intricate idea that never actually made it's way from the depths of my mind into the awe-inspiring, thought provoking existence it was intended to be. Yes, I do have a high opinion of my brilliance ;). Often times, one of my marvelous ideas will revisit my mind, far past the date of relevance and as I try to pin down the fleeting thought/memory of something magical, I am struck with the sudden stark realization that this thing that I am remembering never was. It was just a thought; a plan that apparently wasn’t planned very well. As my mind focusing and clarity envelopes the familiar thought I truly see what could have been. At this point a slight berating of myself occurs, followed quickly by forgiveness and the promise that next time things will be different. After all, usually no one else knew of this jewel of brain wisdom that the world was not able to share in. But not this time, no, not this time. This idea prevailed…against all odds (notice the completeness that is this website? Yes, it’s another “brain jewel”).
My brilliant idea really began many, many moons ago. Yes, I believe I was 11 when, while scavenging the Good Will with my sister, we came across two old Dance Cards. One was pearl white and the other a dusty blue, both had ribbons on the corners. As I began examining the pale blue card I tentatively flattened out the folded corner of the front and in doing so, revealed what this card had been used for: “Winter Social” of “Nineteen Thirty Two”. I thought back to the Dance Cards from old movies I had seen (specifically "Meet Me in St. Louis" circa 1944). I remembered, similar to the ribbon dangling from the corner of the card in my hand, the ribbon being instead looped around the wrist of a beautiful girl. I was absolutely delighted to have one in my hand. This one was real, emanating the whimsical beauty of a time long past. Someone had used it. There were names written on the inside, neat little lines of possibilities. Enchanted with the idea of re-living and partially making up and embellishing a glorious day in the previous owner’s past, my sister and I took our Dance Cards home for a dollar thirty five. With a logo of a long forgotten institution stamped on the cover, I could just feel that this card had been important to someone…somewhere.
Romantic, old-fashioned, elegant…names gently, carefully, scrawled with purpose in the little book…dance partners, possibilities. Who knows, one of these names could be the one. One of these people could be the one she spend her life with…Looking for forever, dancing with strangers in the night, what were the chances? Really, but it could’ve happened. Maybe it turned out so right for these strangers in the night…
So as you can tell, my eleven-year-old self was inspired by this small, decorative, fold-out card and I was recently re-inspired by my old Dance Card and hence set forth to create a uniquely personal Save the Date that encompassed all the romance that I felt when I first looked at that dusty card so long ago. With a modern flare, yes, I designed the front logo, our Dance Cards were created. We share these cards with you because we want you to share this amazing moment, this “dance” of our lives, with us.
Old dance cards are awesome!
Our Dance Card invitation was based off of a 1930s Kappa Alpha Theta Midwinter Dance Card. Though I loved my dusty blue card, I was attracted to the unique shape of this one. It's got an artsy thing going on. :)
February Twefth Ninteen Hundred and Thirty-Two Chapter House
Here is the front cover, look familiar? Of course ours has our wedding colors, turquoise/aqua and pink...teal didn't quite make it in there :/
And of course ours has our awesome stick figure logo, even with Kevy's swooshy hair. I know you like it. I should share where that came from...well, I will, another place, give me a thing at a time here.
True Life: Making a Dance Card is Tough
Now you may be looking at the beautiful end product that is our Save the Date, believe me, it was not always that pretty. The various paraphernalia that went into these cards took up most of the kitchen table of my house for the better part of a month and this is just the "put-it-together" time. I'm done with crafts for a while now. So worth it though :) Brain-jewel right there, brain-jewel in the flesh.
All Done!
You have no idea how satisfying is was when I had 50 of them in my hands, cackling like an evil emperor bathing in gold, I held them and loved them, I ran them through my fingers...then I mailed them to you.........don't worry, I didn't really bathe with them...they are clean. :D