Friday, August 14, 2015

Gemma Aurora

Newest addition to the House family-

Gemma Aurora
August 4, 2015
6 pounds 9 ounces
19.5 inches

1 Week

Gemma has yellow poops.
Loves nursing
Slept for 4 hours during the night
Only nursed 3 times from 10-7
Loves to wear hats, they make her sleep
Loves her swing and swaddle blanket
The brothers and Aria love her and kiss her all the time. They also fight over her new swaddle blankets.
She still has her ankle bracelet on.
She's been offered many foods and tots by her doting siblings, including chicken nuggets, lollipops, Advil "jellybean", and milk babas.
She's only eaten mama's milk.
At her 4 day weight check she gained 4 ounces from her release weight and is 6.2 now, probably more more at 7 days old.
She hardly cries, knock on wood.
Seems very mellow
Boise doesn't bother her at all

Day 9 
Belly button stump came off!
Thinking about her first bath

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Pottytime Tales

Aria was walking around naked in my high heels from yesterday. I thought it was hilarious, so I was taking pictures of her. It was all cute and funny until she peed a puddle in my fancy heels. #pottytraining #fail

July 2014

Hello again! Yesterday was Lindsey's wedding and Steven and Kira babysat the kids for the first time. Patrick was sleeping when we left. Kira said when he woke up he seemed confused and cried for 30 minutes. Jamie and Aria didn't have a problem with being watched. They both fell asleep on the front living room floor laying next to Steven at 7pm. Kevin left the wedding reception after dinner so he made it home by bedtime, 8 o'clock. I stayed behind and hung out with Jenna and Gabby and my parents until the reception was officially over at 11-ish. All in all I would call it a success. Now I just need to scrounge some money up to get Lindsey and Shiva a wedding gift.

Ariana likes flamingos. She calls them "Fladigos". It's so cute. She also loves bananas, but only if you peel them just right; like a monkey would eat them. They are "Paninas" to her haha! I am starting to understand more of the words she tries to say.

Jamie is a climber. He can climb into the highchair, over the back of the couch, onto the kitchen table, basically on to anything he can get his hands on. I feel the only way to baby proof is to remove all furniture or small toys he can stand on top.

Patrick took a few steps. I was super excited but he still prefers to walk on his knees like a double amputee. I guess he's mobile enough without walking that he does not feel the desire to push himself.

Arianna has done wonderful with potty training. She pees in the potty every morning and we even sing a potty song: "PP in the poottty! Peepee in the potty, poopoo in the potty, peeped in the potty, potty time, potty time oh oh oh!" She's adorable. When ever she has to go she comes up to me with that cute face and says "pahhhh tiiime?". We are great with PP but still working on poop. Not going to force it because she did poop in the potty on her own about four times. But she mostly who's in her sleep during the night while she's unconscious. I think she truly believes she doesn't have to poop.

Patrick is an extremely strong-willed child. He cries for hours on and during the night. I am still trying to break his baby will. I am tired of getting up five times the night. Jamie gives up sooner. Last night they were both awake and I left Patch on the bed to get Jamie who was wailing. While I was in the bathroom, where Jamie's crib currently resides, I heard a huge thud, like 1000 pound sack of potatoes falling on the ground. It was Patrick,  he had magically crawled off the end of the bed in the 30 seconds it took me to get up. He was fine, now both babies have officially fallen off of my bed.

Aria can name many different colors if you show her blue or red or green she knows what they are.

Patrick and Jamie can give high-fives. Patrick can make kissing noises if you ask him for a kiss it's really cute.

Aria tries to mediate the boys disputes. For example this morning I made Jamie a milk bottle I gave it to him and of course, like always, when Patrick saw it she stomped over to Jamie and manhandled it out of his hands. Aria saw this and she immediately went and took it from Patrick and handed it back to Jamie. Of course Patrick is bigger and stronger and more forceful overall. So this went on about 20 times, Aria taking the bottle and handing it back to Jamie. I finally just made another bottle for Patrick.

She's funny who she decides to hang out with probably seven out of 10 times it's Jamie, she's on team Jamie, but sometimes she has a great time playing with Patrick who likes the more thoughtful toys. Jamie's main goal, every day all day, is figuring out how to escape.

Well I will try to update more but until then, xo Rosie

Monday, June 9, 2014

Happy 3rd Birthday Aria Rose!

Happy 3rd Birthday to my sweet Aria . You are kind and loving while still wild and free; the fun combination of a beautiful soul and a creative mind. You are the best big sister to your brothers; the way they look at you, with pure love, amazes me. Your three year old smile, charm and abounding joy for life's little moments, have taught my heart the true meaning of happiness. Mommy and Daddy love you to the moon and back xoxo

Yesterday we had a swim party. Godfather got Aria a kiddie pool with a water slide for a gift. Uncle Bee spent 3 hours setting it up. It was scorching hot so the best thing ever for a girl who loves water and wild abandonment of safety. 

OT: Aria had a breakthrough with potty training right after my last post! She has been peeing in the potty with hardly an accident. Just working on the pooping now.

Aria's Frozen cake!

xo Rosie

Monday, May 19, 2014

Potty Training Aria

We are now on day 6 of potty training. It was been a particular kind of torture for mother and child alike. Aria is the most stubborn child even to grace this world. I have done everything to make it a pleasant, rewarding experience for her. I have wrapped presents on the toilet. I have bowls of m&ms and jellybeans nearby. Yet she refuses. She even went so far as to sit on the potty, holding an m&m in each hand and finally I told her that if she was just playing around and not going to go pee pee that she needed to put them back. She gladly dumped the seemingly tasty treats back in the bowl to be free of the dreaded potty. She used her magical almost 3 year old powers to only pee one time, ONE time all day. She went to bed dry and woke up dry, 16 hours of holding her pee in. After my mother freaked out believing she must have an obstruction, I caved and gave her a diaper and told her to pee pee wherever she pleased. She peed in her room. She also managed to not poop for 5 days. Now, Aria is usually quite regular, so this was quite an oddity, again causing concern on the adult parties of this endeavor. When she finally did poop yesterday I attempted to use it, as the book says, as a training experience. We went to the potty, under where full of crap and sat on the potty. I then attempted to flick the poop into the toilet water, which was way more difficult than the book made it sound. I finally just had to dig my finger on the backside of a poop lump and scoop. All this poo scooping being done while a toddler leaned on me for balance in the big toilet. Of course my success at dislodging the turn was quickly squelched by the turd causing a backsplash as it plopped into the pool. A splash of delightful chemically blue toilet water that went directly into my eye. I let Aria down and pulled her soiled undies off just in time to notice I'd missed a chunk and it unceremoniously tumbled onto my bare foot. Poo water in my eye, poop on my foot.

Yesterday at about 9pm I knew Aria had to pee. I was determined after 5 days of living and breathing pee and day dreaming and real dreaming about the moment it went in the potty that this would be my shining moment. Finally at her breaking point, she literally couldn't stop holding her crotch without a little pee escaping. It was time. I took her to the potty, the big potty upstairs, as from what little I could tell, it was preferable to her over her own personal sized potty. I told her we were going to go and that it was going to feel so much better. Just real quick, let's do it. She resisted. She began to cry as I sat her on the potty. I held her there. Her cries got deeper and loader. As she bit her fist in a shriek of terror. The pee came out. Her other hand reached to block the stream. Then she was done. She refused her potty gift. Somehow it didn't feel like a win.